Chapters in edited volumes (peer reviewed)
Chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes, and below that, popular press articles not peer reviewed.
9. Jervis, M.A. Kidd, N.A.C., Mills, N.J., van Nouhuys, S., Singh, A., Yazdani, M. * (2023)
Population Dynamics. In: Hardy ICW & Wajnberg E (Eds) Jervis’s Insects as natural enemies: practical perspectives. Springer, Dordrecht
*Author order: The first two wrote the chapter in the previous editions of the book. The following authors made a major rewrite, in order of contribution, for the current edition of the book.
8. Kaiser, L., Ode, P., van Nouhuys, S., Calatayud, P., Colazza, S., Cortesero, A., Thiel, A., van Baaren, J*. 2017
The plant as a habitat for entomophagous insects in Plant-Insect interations (eds. Sauvion, N., Calatayud, P., and Thiery, D.)
Advances in Botanical Research Volume 81.
*Author order: The first three authors are in order of contribution to the text. The following are presented in alphabetical order.
7. van Nouhuys, S. 2016
Metapopulation Ecology. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021905.pub2
6. Shaw, M. R., Stefanescu, C., van Nouhuys, S.* 2009
Parasitoids of European Butterflies in Ecology of Butterflies of Europe (eds. J. Settele, T. G. Shreeve, M. Konvicka & H. Van Dyck) Cambridge University Press, pp 130-156
*The three authors contributed equally
5. van Nouhuys, S.
Metapopulation Ecology 2009
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021905
4. van Nouhuys, S., and Hanski, I. 2005
Metacommunities of butterflies and their parasitoids. In Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities (M. Leibold, R. Holt and M. Holyoak eds.). University of Chicago Press. pp. 99-121
3. van Nouhuys, S.,and Hanski, I. 2004
Natural enemies of checkerspot butterflies. In On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology (P. R. Ehrlich & I. Hanski, eds.) Oxford University Press, pp. 161-180
2. Kuussaari, M., van Nouhuys, S., Hellmann, J., Singer, M. C. 2004
Checkerspot butterfly larval biology. In On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology (P. R. Ehrlich & I. Hanski, eds.) Oxford University Press, pp. 138-160
1. van Nouhuys, S. and Hanski, I. 2002
Multitrophic interactions in space: metacommunity dynamics in fragmented landscapes. In Multitrophic level interactions (T. Tscharntke & B. A. Hawkins eds.)
Cambridge University Press. pp. 124- 136
Articles in the popular press
Keasar, C., Keasar, T, van Nouhuys, S. (2024) Plant protection- ‘red lines’ and AI. in IsraelAgri.
van Nouhuys, S. (translated by S. Eriksson) 2012
Steklar som paratiserar på Ängsnätfjärilen.
Finlands Natur, Spring issue